Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Reading Promise Review

I read this book a couple months ago and shared it on my January Book Report list and promised to share a more extensive review.  

I absolutely adored this book.  I actually checked out the book on CD and listened to it and would completely recommend doing the same.  The author, Alice Ozma, reads the text and is a complete delight to listen to.   Each chapter begins with a quote from a different read aloud book.  Alice's father also is part of the audio, and reads these quotes at the beginning of each chapter. This is a story of the power of reading aloud.  Alice and her father began a reading streak that they believed would last 100 days, but to their delight it ended up lasting much longer.  Alice's father read aloud to her every night from junior high until Alice left for college, over 3,000 nights.  

Alice's father was compelled to begin the streak after he noticed that Alice's older sister had lost interest being read aloud to.  He wanted it to last a bit longer with his younger daughter and came up with the concept of what they affectionately called "the streak."  

So many tender moments shared in this story.  It is a story of parenthood, love, relationships, and family.  It pulls at your heartstrings.  It was so engaging to follow Ozma through stories of her life,  through the ups and downs, and seeing how books were woven throughout her growing up years.

I loved how Ozma references so many favorite books.  I so enjoyed the quotes and the stories of how her father used books to teach and influence his daughter, molding her into a strong, intelligent woman.

Ozma ends with sharing her thoughts on the or words, books, and libraries.  This story was truly inspirational, to all of us who love books.  As a parent I'm so inspired to keep reading to my children.  I highly recommend this book to all the booklovers out there.

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