Friday, July 10, 2015


We have some big news that I have been meaning to tell you about for a long time.  Since the officially move out day is coming up in less then a week, I guess it is time to share.  We will be moving from our lovely home.  We are in the process of purchasing a home (another fixer, are we crazy?) on 10 acres about 7 minutes away from where we live now.  We will be renting in the meantime.  We have friends that are willing to rent us their townhome for a short period of time.

We have been discussing the possibility of moving for years.  We have been planning and preparing for this for over a year.  I can;t believe it is finally here, I mixture of emotions.  So sad and heartbroken to be leaving our friends and community here and so thrilled and excited for the future and all its possibilities.  Wish us luck.  Of course we shall keep you posted.

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