Monday, September 11, 2017

Simple Homemaking | | Homemaking During Transition

So we moved into our new home a year and a half ago.  Though all the boxes are unpacked and we have been here awhile, I feel like we are still in this transitional period, and we have been here for awhile.  We are getting so very close to starting the remodel on this home.  Our remodel plans are into the engineer and when we get those back, (we started the process of working up these plans in January) we will finally be ready to start.  So while I wait for this remodel to actually happen, I thought I would share what I have learned from all of this unstable transition.

It Is Always Worth It to Make any Living Situation a Home
It is always worth it to make a house a home.  I have lived in situations where I held off on really settling in because I knew it was temporary and I have regretted it.  Living out of boxes because you are moving in a couple months can make those couple months feel chaotic and out of sorts.  Even if you are living in a room in your parent's home it is worth it to unpack what you need.  We even did this on our summer travels.  When we arrived in our hotel or guest room with my husband and four kids, we found spots for luggage, toiletries, shoes, and all of our items.  It took a little time, but it kept things in check and made traveling so much easier.

Give All Your Items A Home
Give everything a place, set up little stations, and come up with daily routines.  I have seen people do this when they camp for the week.  They have a place for everything, their campground has little areas for the kitchen, dining, and lounging.  Their tent is set up neat and tidy.  It is fascinating to watch and really doesn't take much time.  Though we will be packing up our main floor for our remodel here soon, I'm all set up for what works now.  I'm planning a floor to ceiling pantry in our remodel (there is no pantry in our home now), so right now I have food placed in a variety of areas, including shelves in the garage and a small linen closet off the kitchen, but they have a set place and it is working.  It is much better then living out of boxes.

Take Time To Think Things Through
I don't know about you, but it takes me awhile to settle in.  When a home is temporary, sometimes you skip the step of thinking things through and just do what needs to be done.  The knives end up in a drawer that just doesn't work well for your cooking set up, and it bugs you, but what is the point in changin it because you will only be there a couple months.    Usually it only takes a few minutes to make those small changes that can make a huge difference to your day to day happenings, so take 2 to 5 minutes and move those knives.  Think if through and make it work.

See How Minimalistic You Can Live
Experiment with living with less.  What if you unpacked only what you need.  If you need something else, go and get that one thing out, and see if you can live with less for a few months.  The added bonus of this is that when you do unpack you may find quite a few items you no longer need.  Let go of those.  Less items equals less cleaning, clutter, and organizing.

Make It Work
My husband is a master of thinking outside the box.  He has taught me to throw all my ideas out there, even the crazy ones that I absolutely know we would never do.  It gets you to think outside the box and come up with some great solutions with this approach.  Can a linen closet be a food pantry?  Can you live with a 10 item wardrobe?  Would a baby's room work in your master closet?

Live Your Life
Invite guest into your home, decorate, do those projects you can do.  If you can't have people over, embrace the idea of going out with friends, or spending meaningful quiet days with just your family.  Feel inspired and do what you can in your living space.  Don't let the uncertainty of the future scare you from moving forward and getting things done.  Be smart, don't spend thousands of dollars fixing up a rental, but do what you can to make your space yours while you are there.

Stay Patient
Work hard, set goals, and keep your focus.  If it is a remodel, a job change, a tragedy or loss, or if your saving money to get out of debt or get an education that put you in a living situation that isn't ideal, know that you can move through this time with grace.  Not that I have always been graceful through these transitions, just ask my husband, but I have certainly had plenty of moments of taking some deep breaths and reminding myself of how very blessed we are in this crazy life we lead.  Goals will be met if we keep working towards them, the job will come, the time of loss will be traversed and hope will return.  Deep breaths and maybe a daily dose of chocolate and prayers.

Okay friends.  So wherever you find yourselves in this crazy homemaking journey, do your best to make your house a home.  It is always worth it.

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