Monday, February 12, 2018

Foggy Mornings & Favorite Games

It has been rainy and foggy and wet and drizzly, basically a normal winter in the Pacific Northwest.  Just very warm for this time of year and not a dusting of snow or a chance of freezing rain.  We have been plugging along with school and work, lots of basketball and band.

Our remodel is moving forward, with lots to do and it is keeping us busy.  We also are in the process of purchasing a rental which is adding extra to dos to our lists.  We knew jumping into all of this that it would be a bit crazy for a few months, but we are planning on it being busy and trying to embrace the mess and chaos of it all.

We have been enjoying playing a new to us game called Clank.  It is a strategy deck building game, so every game is different and so much fun.  I'm loving playing games with my kids, they are so smart and strategic.  Games have been a favorite throughout my life and with Steve not loving games, it is fun to have other game loving folks living under the same roof as me.  So if you didn't marry a game lover, choose to raise game lovers.  Life lesson.

Speaking of games, I also bought the game exploding kittens to gift to the family this Christmas and it has been a fun one.  Easy to learn and fun to play with everyone. 

I have always loved January, the calm that comes after Christmas, the momentum that comes with a new year.  So we are just moving forward through the busy days of January, reaching out to accomplish goals and spending time with those we love most.

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