Friday, February 2, 2018

Holiday DIY Workshop

I hosted a Holiday DIY Workshop in December.  My goal with these workshops have been to share with people how easy it is to make simple DIY products made with essential oils.  It was fun to sit around and share this passion of mine with others and be inspired to learn what others are doing with oils in their home.  Everyone left with a variety of products ready to use in their own homes. 

I thought I would share a recipe we used from the workshop for a Holiday Room Spray.  Since this is made with Young Living essential oils it has all the health benefits and none of the toxins.  If you want to find more information about Young Living oils you can find a post on it here

Holiday Spray

4 oz spray bottle
distilled water
14 drops orange essential oil
6 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops clove or nutmeg essential oil
1 1/2 T vanilla extract

Fill bottle 3/4 the way full of distilled water, add the essential oils and extract, shake and spray.  

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