Wednesday, February 7, 2018

January Reads

Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm
Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me ||  Liked It

Why I Read It || My daughter recommended it to me.  

What I Thought || I enjoyed it.  It is set in the Florida Keys, an adventurous story of a young girl learning about life in 1935.

How Did You Read It || Audiobook, Book on CD

Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner
Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Liked It 

Why I Read It || As a blogger and podcaster I have loved her style and minimalistic approach to life.

What I Thought || I liked her simple approach to getting rid of items, tips on what to keep, and her suggestions on a minimalistic wardrobe.

How Did You Read It || Hardbound Book, Own It

What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Not For Me

Why I Read It || Won a Young Adult book award.

What I Thought || I had a really hard time with the main character and her choices.  It also had some content that wasn't great to read.

How Did You Read It || Hardbound, Library Book

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder by LeGrande Richards
Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Liked It

Why I Read It || My Dad read this book before he decided to attend the LDS church and serve a mission.

What I Thought || I enjoyed it, lots of basic information about the LDS church and its doctrine.  Since this was a lot of information I was familiar with it took me a LONG time to read.

How Did You Read It || Hardbound, Own It

May B by Caroline Starr Rose
Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Loved It!!

Why I Read It || Recommended on the Read Aloud Revival podcast.  

What I Thought || Such a good book, I read it in one sitting and loved it!  Recommended it to my daughter, she read it and loved it.  I want to purchase it.  

How Did You Read It || Hardbound Book, Library

The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Liked It A Lot

Why I Read It || Recommended on the Internet

What I Thought ||  A boy and a girl falling in love, in one day, in New York City.  It may sound a bit cheesy, but it isn't.  It deals with race, immigration, sacrifice, and parental love in a way that makes you think and ask those deeper questions.  With the two main characters, the author was switching back and forth between these two narratives, but she also shared from various other points of view from other characters in the book to enrich the story.  Loved this form of writing style.  It did have some language and a couple spots where it was a bit too descriptive.

How Did You Read It || Hardbound Book, Library

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini 

Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Liked It

Why I Read It || Recommended From the Internet

What I Thought || The story of Elizabeth Keckley, who was Mrs. Lincoln's dressmaker while she was in the White House.  Rich with information about the Civil War and about the Lincoln family.

How Did You Read It || Book on CD, Library

Kilmeny of the Orchard by L. M. Montgomery

Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Loved It

Why I Read It || My challenge to read all the L. M. Montgomery book.

What I Thought || I really enjoyed it.  Just a sweet, lovely story with a bit of family drama and an intense ending.  

How Did You Read It || Audiobook, Librivox

Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Loved It

Why I Read It || Reese Witherspoon's January Book Club Pick

What I Thought || It is a book by Brene Brown, so many things to think about.  It delves into the idea of being brave and how we need connections with others.  

How Did You Read It || Audiobook, Audible App

A Simplified Life by Emily Ley

Loved It, Liked It, So So, Not For Me || Liked

Why I Read It || Love her instagram account and what she shares online.

What I Thought || Such a great book about simplifying your life with a focus on decluttering, simple schedules, mothering, and more.

How Did You Read It || Harbound Book, Purchased It

January Summary

Books Read || 10
Hard Copies || 6
Audiobooks || 4
Read Alouds || 0

(Need to work on reading aloud those chapter books!)

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