Wednesday, August 12, 2015

St. George Part 2


Today I'm sharing the second set of photos from our St. George excursion.  We absolutely loved the scenery, the red rocks and mountains, the gorgeous sky in every direction, the sunrises and sunsets.  Being from the Pacific Northwest I have grown up a bit prejudice, thinking my forested landscapes, huge rivers, and snow covered mountains made for the most beautiful place on earth.  I remember thinking that I lived in a postcard.  As I have grown older and visited more and more places, I find myself changed.  I find beauty in so many different places.  There is great beauty in the desert, a freedom that comes from being able to look in every direction, a loveliness in the bare earth and the great big sky above. We completely enjoyed the beauty of St. George.

We stayed with our family in a huge vacation home.  It was so fun to spend time with everyone together, Grandma and Grandpa, all 6 adult kids and their married spouses, and all 24 grandchildren.  We are quite a group.  We were able to visit the St. George temple and visitors center.  Steve's sister served her mission there years before and we were so excited to visit this sight with her.  There was a special spirit that surrounded this temple, built through the sweat and labor of those that came before.  How they had the fortitude to build a building like that in the desert.  Truly impressive, makes me not want to take anything for granted.

Such a fun time together.  Loved being surrounded by those that we love so much.  My favorite part was watching connections made between my little family and their cousins, aunts, and uncles that we don't get to see as much as we would like.  Family is an amazing thing and I'm incredibly grateful to this amazing family I was blessed to marry into.

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