Tuesday, August 18, 2015

These Kids of Mine

My twelve year old thinks it is absolutely hilarious to make faces at the camera.  These are the photos I'm getting from him lately.

It has been a crazy summer, full of oh so much.  We have been learning to fit into our townhome, a much smaller space, without much of  a yard.  Times of transition can be hard.  There are days that have seemed super intense, trying to fix all the little problems that come up with each child of mine, and knowing and encouraging and enabling them to fix their own problems.  Lots of loud and busy and happy and sad, definitely plenty of mistakes and I'm sorrys.  But when I look at these photos, oh there is so much joy.  These school age kids of mine.  I'm reminded of how absolutely wonderful they are, knowing all their flaws and weaknesses, and seeing all their amazing strengths and talents.  They impress me everyday, the extra hugs they give, the new friendships they make, the thank yous given, the service rendered.  They are mine and I'm so incredibly grateful I get to spend these wild summer days with them.

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